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Have your say

Your feedback will help us to understand the priorities and aspirations of the local community as we bring forward Outline proposals for a sustainably located, landscape-led neighbourhood of new homes for Bloxham.

Once you have had an opportunity to read an overview of the emerging plans, and view the interactive concept masterplan, please take a moment to complete our feedback questionnaire. Please ensure feedback is submitted by Friday 19th July 2024 to ensure that it is taken into account as we prepare to submit Outline plans.

If you would like to be kept updated on the emerging proposals, Outline planning application and subsequent opportunities to provide further feedback as plans take shape, please ensure you select “Opt-in to email updates” at the end of the form.

Thinking about other locations around Bloxham that are potentially being promoted through the emerging Local Plan, do you think the site off South Newington Road represents a sustainable location for sensitive housing growth in the village?

Do you welcome the landscape-led approach, retaining and enhancing existing landscape features, as well as setting back the development behind existing hedgerows and trees on South Newington Road to protect the setting of the village approach?

Do you have any comments on the concept layout?

What type of homes do you think would best meet Bloxham’s needs?

The new neighbourhood would include affordable housing for those on lower incomes to secure a home of their own in Bloxham. Is this important to you?

The provision of affordable homes would include First Homes, in addition to social rent and shared ownership homes. First Homes are available to purchase at a level below the market rate, making home ownership more accessible for those on lower incomes with connections to Bloxham. Is this something you would welcome?

Are you, or is someone you know, looking for a new home in Bloxham?

Unlike other sites being promoted through the Local Plan, the site off South Newington Road is removed from the Conservation Area and will have no adverse impact on it. Is this important to you?

Green infrastructure, including the retention of existing landscape features such as hedgerows, trees and ponds, forms the focus of our proposals for a landscape-led development that respects the surrounding context and delivers biodiversity net gain. Is this important to you?

Are there any other measures you think we should consider to contribute to habitat provision and biodiversity net gain?

Given the sustainable location of the site close to the village centre, and its proximity to the National Cycle Network Route 5, there will be focus placed on active travel in the emerging plans to reduce reliance on the car for local journeys. Is this important to you?

The site is located close to the Recreation Ground. Are there any improvements or enhancements that you would like to see here that you feel could be funded by the development?

Thinking about the facilities and infrastructure in wider village, what are your priorities for investment? (select up to three)

Do you have any other comments on the emerging outline proposals?

About you

Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform for Sulis Public Affairs on behalf of William Davis Homes, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Your name and email address is used to identify you as a single respondent and, if you have opted-in to receive updates, to send you news and information about this project. Your postcode is used to understand the broad location of respondents and will not be used to contact you in any way. All of your personal information is held in a secure database on a server located in the United Kingdom. For more information about how we use your personal information, please visit our privacy policy.

Would you like to be kept informed as plans move forward, including opportunities to take part in further consultation on more detailed plans?