Our emerging proposals
We are preparing plans for a high-quality neighbourhood of circa 165 new homes, set within extensive green and blue infrastructure, that will integrate the development into the surrounding landscape. The development will include affordable homes for those on lower incomes with local connections to Bloxham, enabling them to secure a home of their own in the village. There is also the potential to provide level access homes and bungalows for residents with limited mobility.
The site occupies a highly sustainable location on the southern edge of Bloxham, with easy access to village facilities on foot, by bicycle or by bus.
The site is being promoted for inclusion in Cherwell District Council’s new Local Plan. The site off South Newington Road is the most sustainably located of the sites that are being promoted in Bloxham to meet its local housing need, and crucially, unlike other sites, it has no impact on the village’s important Conservation Area.
William Davis Homes is a Midlands-based, family-owned, high-quality housebuilder. We would be delivering the new homes for Bloxham ourselves, whereas other sites being promoted are likely to be sold to national housebuilding PLCs if allocated. Unlike other sites, this means that the local community has certainty from the outset as to the design quality of development that would ultimately be delivered.
We therefore felt it appropriate to start bringing forward our outline proposals now, giving local people an opportunity to be engaged in the process, and giving the community transparency and certainty as to future development in Bloxham. This would ensure early delivery of much-needed new homes early in the new Local Plan period and protect less suitable sites from development.
What is an Outline planning application?
An Outline planning application establishes broad principles of development, such as access arrangements, illustrative concept layout, number of homes and general extent of development. Our intention is to start the Outline planning application process while continuing to promote the site as an opportunity through the emerging Cherwell Local Plan, to enable early delivery of homes in the Plan period. Alongside this ongoing process, we will also continue to engage with the community to ensure that the emerging plans align as closely with local priorities and aspirations.
Have your say
The development of a high-quality, landscape-led neighbourhood of circa 165 family homes off South Newington Road will generate significant financial contributions to be invested into local infrastructure. Although these will be determined through statutory consultation carried out by the local planning authority (Cherwell District Council) with bodies such as the local education authority, local NHS Integrated Care Board (formerly Clinical Commissioning Group), utilities and others, we want to understand the aspirations of the community in Bloxham as to where you would like to see investment. We would also like to understand your priorities and aspirations for new homes in the village.
Once you have had an opportunity to view our interactive concept masterplan for the site and read an overview of our emerging vision for new homes in Bloxham, and have your questions answered on our FAQs page, please take a moment to complete our feedback questionnaire. We are at a relatively early stage in the process, and we would like to have continued engagement with the community as plans move forward. If you would like to be kept updated, please ensure you select the “Opt-in to email updates” option on the feedback questionnaire or contact form.
Indicative timeline
Pre-application consultation - outline planning
July 2024An opportunity for local people to provide feedback on our emerging plans.
Outline planning application
Late Summer/early Autumn 2024We will submit an outline planning application for the development to Cherwell District Council. This will establish the broad principles of development while we continue to promote the site through the emerging Cherwell Local Plan review process.
Outline planning application statutory consultation
Late Summer/early Autumn 2024Cherwell District Council will carry out their own statutory consultation on our submitted plans.
Outline planning application determined
Spring 2025Cherwell District Council will make a decision on the granting of planning permission.
Reserved matters planning application
Summer/Autumn 2025Once Outline principles of development have been determined, we will then prepare more detailed plans, involving further consultation with the community of Bloxham, before submitting a Reserved Matters planning application.
Local Plan adopted
Late 2025Cherwell District Council will adopt their new Local Plan.
Find out more and have your say:
Consultation by Sulis Public Affairs. Engagement platform powered by Participatr